streamsave participates in the eceee summer study!

streamSAVE project partners participated in Panel 4. Monitoring and evaluation for a wise, just and inclusive transition.

The streamSAVE project attended the eceee Summer Study on energy efficiency 6-11 June 2022.

Nele Renders, streamSAVE coordinator, and Kelsey van Maris participated in Panel 4. Monitoring and evaluation for a wise, just and inclusive transition, which focused on best practices in monitoring and evaluation, the latest advancement in practice and ongoing challenges.

The objective of the panel was to explore:

  • How the principles of ‘efficiency first’ and ‘energy sufficiency’ are considered in energy efficiency evaluations
  • How evaluations account for demand reduction and/or demand switching with a focus on the role of human behaviour and decision making
  • How multiple benefits are considered, possible trade-offs with non-energy impacts
  • How these can influence decisions
  • How energy efficiency policies can promote a just and inclusive sustainability transition

An informal session was held on 9 June by the streamSAVE project to discuss how to make reporting on energy savings easier. This session was attended by policymakers and streamSAVE project partners.

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