More than 100 participants attended the kick-off web-meeting on 5 March 2021 that introduced the 5 Priority Actions and how the dialogue groups work.
Dialogue groups were initiated to facilitate discussions and experience sharing regarding the key issues that stakeholders face when it comes to energy savings calculations. They gather experts and policy officers from various EU Member States, with one group for each of the 5 Priority Actions currently addressed in streamSAVE. Shortly after the kick-off meeting, a second meeting for each of the groups was organised between mid-May and end of June 2021.
This series of meetings made it possible to discuss in details the methodologies under development to calculate energy savings from BACS (Building Automation & Control Systems), Public lighting, Electric Vehicles, Heat Recovery, and Commercial and industrial refrigeration systems.
The proceedings of these meetings are available on the streamSAVE platform.
Key takeaways from the dialogue group meetings
- Collecting data specific to each savings project increases the reliability of energy savings. However, simplified methods with indicative values are useful to monitor schemes dealing with large numbers of projects/actions for which collecting specific data can be difficult or costly. Simplified calculation methodologies are thus welcomed by stakeholders.
- Developing simplified calculation methodology first requires properly defining its scope.
- Ecodesign regulations and EPBD provisions are important to take into account in the methodology, especially for defining the baseline in the context of Article 7 EED.
- Availability of indicative values for key calculation parameters is depends on the action types.
- Data about costs are difficult to identify or access.
The discussions of the methodologies continued this autumn with a new series of meetings.
Questions or suggestions can also be shared at any time through the streamSAVE online forum. If you have not yet registered for a dialogue group and would like to join, feel free to contact us at dialogues@streamsave.eu.