streamsave platform

streamSAVE partners will develop a user-friendly online platform to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences among stakeholders.

This platform will provide all stakeholders with access to a community of experts and resources to better implement energy savings calculation methodologies. The streamSAVE platform will become a central point for experts searching for information and their peers on Priority Actions. 

Interested in joining our community? Let us know!


Knowledge & support facility

The knowledge and support facility module will integrate the streamSAVE resources and guidance concerning energy savings calculations. Member States will be able to use these resources however they would like in their Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) reporting process.

online forum

The online forum module will enable stakeholders to continuously share experiences for each Priority Action with their peers. Ultimately, the goal of the forum is to build a sense of community and ownership of the streamSAVE platform among stakeholders.


The training module will support the further upscaling of the streamSAVE resources all over Europe, by providing replication guidelines reflecting Member States’ needs across Europe.