Join us in Brussels for the streamSAVE and DEESME joint final event, a platform for sharing insights and experiences gained by different countries and companies in implementing energy efficiency policies. Speakers will cover a wide range of topics to support the implementation of Article 3, 7, and 8 of the EED, which require countries to set energy targets, conduct energy audits, and establish energy efficiency obligations for energy companies.
Discussions will focus on key aspects of the EED recast, such as accurate estimation of energy savings using deemed savings, improving energy audits in SMEs, and measuring and verifying energy savings resulting from energy efficiency actions. These topics are essential for achieving energy efficiency targets and making progress towards climate neutrality. Additionally, we will prioritise future actions, particularly on how to reach energy savings in the context of the EED recast.
If you are not able to attend in person, not to worry! This is a hybrid event, and we look forward to seeing you online.
8:45 – 9:15 Registration
9:15 – 10:00 Welcome and introduction
- streamSAVE & DEESME highlights – Nele Renders (VITO/EnergyVille, coordinator streamSAVE) & Ivana Rogulj (IEECP, coordinator DEESME) Download presentation
- Turning policy into action – LIFE-CET outlook – Ulrike Nuscheler, Filippo Gasparin (CINEA) Download presentation
10:00 – 11:15 Policy Panel: Improving energy efficiency policies by understanding savings: from deemed savings to measurement | Moderation: Václav Šebek (SEVEn)
- streamSAVE and its replication potential to support energy efficiency policies – example from Slovakia – Jan Maygar (SIEA) Download presentation
- DEESME for policy implementers: Energy audits and management in the EED – Antoine Durand (Fraunhofer ISI) Download presentation
- Country examples from Croatia: Role of deemed savings calculations and measurements in monitoring savings and identifying new savings potential – Vesna Bukarica (EIHP) Download presentation
- Ireland’s approach to the evaluation and monitoring of scaled and metered savings and the identification of new savings potential – Aidan Condell (SEAI) Download presentation
- Debate: Role of and interaction between deemed savings, energy audits and measurements to improve policies and monitoring
11:15 – 11:30 Break
11:30 -12:30 Industry Panel: Achieving energy savings in industry | Moderation: Dusan Jakovlievic (EEIP)
- Heat recovery in industry: streamSAVE’s practical guidance on standardised savings methodologies – Elisabeth Böck (AEA) Download presentation
- Heat recovery in industry and supermarkets – view on quantification of energy savings – Torben Funder-Kristensen (Euroheat & Power) Download presentation
- Audits for actions in SMEs: European Covenant of Companies for climate and energy – Karen Clements (Low Associates Brussels) Download presentation
- Measuring energy savings in industry: the experience of the Italian white certificates scheme – Livio De Chicchis (FIRE) Download presentation
- Q&A
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Priorities & Panel: Future of energy savings and beyond in the context of the EED recast | Moderation: Jean-Sébastien Broc (IEECP)
- Priorities of the EED recast: Article 4, 8 and 11 – Heidelinde Adensam, European Commission (DG ENER) Download presentation
- Auditing and managing: DEESME’s tools, integration of multiple benefits – Laura Bano (SOGESCA) Download presentation
- From voluntary agreements towards energy savings obligations – actions towards energy efficiency 2030 targets & beyond: The Netherlands – Jorieke Rienstra (RVO) Download presentation
- Pay-for-Performance schemes and other ways to develop measured energy savings: concrete examples from the SENSEI and ENSMOV Plus projects – Marion Santini (RAP) Download presentation
- Developing the ESCO market and the assessment of energy savings: the German experience – Rüdiger Lohse (EDL_HUB, DENEFF) Download presentation
15:00 – 15:20 Closure and summary Download presentation
Post-event discussions

Nele Renders | VITO, EnergyVille
Nele Renders coordinates streamSAVE to support energy agencies in the implementation of Article 3 and Article 7 of the EED. As a project manager and energy policy expert, Nele supported European institutions during multiple assignments, such as the ex-post evaluation of the EED, tracking progress of MS towards their energy 2020/2030 targets and providing support in frame of the Governance Regulation.

Livio De Chicchis is an energy policy and market analyst at FIRE (Italian Federation for Energy Efficiency). He has been involved in various European projects including EU-MERCI, M-BENEFITS, DEESME and ENSMOV Plus. He is an expert in Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes, especially of the Italian white certificates scheme. He has also been involved in the analysis of energy scenarios for Italy, and has led the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the Italian energy managers’ database. He gives training courses about incentives for energy efficiency. Livio has a Master’s degree in Energy Engineering (University of Rome) and and he is certified in the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP).

rudiger lohse | edl_hub, Deneff
Rüdiger Lohse is an industrial engineer. Since January 2020, he has been the managing director of Energy Service Hub (EDL_HUB) in Berlin, founded end of 2019 by DENEFF, the German Energy Efficiency Initiative. EDL_HUB aims to re-structure political framework conditions for the energy service market in Germany, networking and market development for energy services. Rüdiger leads the primary facilitator in the state of Baden-Württemberg for energy services. He was a co-Operating Agent for the IEA EBC Annex 61 Deep Energy Retrofit (2013- 2017). Then from 2018, he was co-operating Agent for the IEA EBC Annex 73 on Near Zero Energy Neighbourhoods. He is also the Director of joint project INEECO with the European Investment Bank, on Energy Performance Contracting investments.

Aidan Condell is a mechanical engineer working in the SEAI’s EEOS team. Aidan oversees the implementation of the scheme’s non-residential Quality Management System, which assesses and validates savings submitted through industrial and commercial projects under the obligation scheme.

Filippo Gasparin works as Project Advisor at the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) where he is responsible for a number of Programme management actions supporting the clean energy transition of the business sector. Mr Gasparin steered the creation within the LIFE CET sub-programme of the “sustainable value chain” concept as a way to maximise the increasing value of sustainability within companies’ business models. Collaborative approaches among companies operating in the same value chain can lead to a faster market uptake of energy efficiency measures thus ensuring a smoother achievement of net-zero emissions target by 2050 as outlined in the EU Green Deal.

Torben is an experienced thought leader in the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry. For more than 20 years, he has worked on solutions for sustainable cooling of products, people and the planet. Torben represents Danfoss in EPEE, GFCCC and ASERCOM. Since Torben joined Danfoss in 1995, he has held several management positions within the development of manufacturing processes, materials, and product development of components. With these deep technical insights, he is at the forefront of technology development that helps implement, e.g. the Montreal Protocol or develop better cold chains. Torben continues to drive innovation by applying existing technologies to new challenges, as he is the author of numerous white papers and patents. He holds a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

Antoine is involved in the DEESME project and has contributed to several other H2020-projects dealing with energy efficiency in enterprises. He is a project manager and energy policy expert, providing technical support to the EU Commission for EED Art. 8 or Ecodesign related topics.

Ivana is DEESME project coordinator, a Senior Energy Expert at IEECP. She has more than 15 years of experience, both in energy service companies (ESCO) and on more than 30 different research, policy development and technical projects in the field. Her background is Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and an MBA, she is a PhD candidate in Economics.

Laura bano | sogesca
Laura Bano is project coordinator for DEESME, aiming at enabling companies, especially SMEs, to manage the energy transition by taking profit of multiple benefits and energy management approaches and enchancing the adoption of the DEESME methodology by National Authorities. Laura is a senior consultant for renewable energies and energy efficiency, with over 25 years of experience in the energy and environmental sustainability sector in consulting, project development and finance. Within the project, she coordinates SOGESCA’s team of qualified energy experts.
Laura is also project coordinator for the LIFE-CET DEESME 2050 and KNOWnNEBs projects. DEESME 2050 will build on the DEESME multiple benefits approach in the furniture sector. KNOWnNEBs will develop a new calculation methodology and result presenting approach to be added to the existing energy auditing practices with focus on the food and beverage sector.

simon hirzel | fraunhofer isi
Simon is a project manager and researcher at Fraunhofer ISI. He has been involved in several European projects on energy efficiency in enterprises, including the DEESME project. His research interests include the design and evaluation of efficiency-related policy measures. Simon has co-authored various works on policies supporting the introduction of energy audits and energy management systems, in particular related to Art. 8 EED.

ELISABETH BöCK | austrian energy agency
Elisabeth Böck has been working in national and international projects dealing with energy efficiency since 2013. From 2015 to 2021, she was working for Austria’s National Energy Efficiency Monitoring Agency, which was in charge of monitoring the implementation of the Austrian Energy Efficiency Act. Her main responsibilities included conception and further development of the reporting interface, monitoring and verification of energy efficiency measures and further development of methodologies for evaluating energy savings. She has participated in various EU-funded projects on the topic of energy efficiency policy implementation and knowledge exchange between Member States.

Vesna Bukarica | energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar
Vesna Bukarica holds Ph.D. in technical sciences – electrical engineering. She is currently employed as the Head of Department for Energy Efficiency within Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP), Zagreb, Croatia. She has more than 20 years of experience in sustainable energy. Her expertise is development of policy instruments (regulatory, information and financing measures) for promoting energy efficiency and evaluation of their multiple effects. She has been involved in many energy policies projects in Croatia and wider, conducted for the relevant authorities and/or international institutions. She acted as a leading energy efficiency expert in preparation of Croatian national energy efficiency programme and action plans (NEEAPs) as well as in the preparation of Croatian National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) in the dimension of energy efficiency. She participated in the preparation of laws and regulations on energy efficiency and related by laws in Croatia. She is continuously involved in processes related to the monitoring, reporting and verification of energy savings.

Jorieke Rienstra | enterprise Agency (RVO)
Educated as mechanical engineer and with a background in energy effiency studies, Jorieke Rienstra is now a senior advisor and coordinator at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), an executive body of the Ministry of Economic affairs and Climate. Together with a small team she works on several energy and climate reports to the EU and UNFCCC (with a focus on GHG inventories, NECPs, PaMs and EED monitoring). The team is also involved with transparancy negations during the climate summits and active in several EU working groups.

Marion Santini | RAP
She joined RAP in early 2020 to support its work on energy efficiency and electrification. She has a deep knowledge of the European Union’s energy efficiency legislation, which she acquired during her work for the Secretariat of The Coalition for Energy Savings, a Brussels-based advocacy group. Earlier, Ms. Santini supported World Wide Fund for Nature in coordinating and developing its climate-related business partnerships across the world. She also worked in Cambodia, where she led the communication team of Nexus, a nonprofit providing access to finance for clean energy and water solutions in Asia. Ms. Santini holds a master’s degree in European policies from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Strasbourg (France).

Karen Clements | LOW EUROPE
Karen is the Deputy CEO and Client Services Director at LOW. Karen oversees and manages the development of the SME Assembly, European Enterprise Promotion Awards, SME Week and the European Business Awards for the Environment for DG GROW and DG Environment respectively. Karen’s long professional experience as Head of European Affairs at the Confederation of British Industry and EU Advisor to the British Chambers of Commerce, means that she is an unparalleled source of advice on all European Union policy matters that affect business; an expert in providing strategic advice to clients on how to influence the European policy agenda; and a valuable resource for training business in the workings of the EU institutions.

Heidelinde Adensam has been working in the energy sector since her master theses in 1995. She worked at the Institute for Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy at Technical University of Vienna in the field of economic assessment, cost benefit analysis and input output analysis. Some years later, she managed projects at the Austrian Institute for Ecology and the Institute for Social Ecology at the Alpen Adria University in the field of economic ecologic modelling (Input-Output-Models, System Dynamics and Agent Based Models), economic assessment of sustainable energy projects, life cycle and scenario analysis. In 2006, she changed to the Austrian Energy Agency where she mainly coordinated the tasks of the Austrian Energy Efficiency Monitoring Body. In 2011, she started to work at the Federal Government, 2018 till beginning 2023, she was responsible for Energy Efficiency and Buildings in the Federal Ministry for Climate Action. Since April 2023 she works as seconded national expert in the unit for energy efficiency in the European Commission.