The streamSAVE project held its fifth plenary meeting on the 22-23 September 2022.
Mya Belden
The Energy Evaluation Europe conference “Beyond COP26 and Fit-for-55: how energy evaluation can inform a fair path to carbon neutrality” will be held 28-30 September in Paris-Saclay, France.
streamSAVE project partners participated in Panel 4. Monitoring and evaluation for a wise, just and inclusive transition.
Join the lively debate on how streamlined energy savings calculations could support fuel switching between conventional and electric vehicles, and how industry could benefit.
The streamSAVE project launched five new Priority Actions to improve energy efficiency in the EU.
The streamSAVE project held its fourth plenary meeting on the 24th and 25th of March 2022.
The two Horizon 2020 projects ENSMOV and streamSAVE invite you to attend a joint workshop discussing the issue of additionality in the context of Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) on 15 February from 2-3:30 PM.
05 Jan: Measuring and increasing impact: The next challenge for EU energy efficiency policy measures
The European Union is entering a crucial decade in its energy transition, with the 55% climate goal representing a step change in ambition.
This year, the TIMEPAC Workshops took place in hybrid format, both online and at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.
During the first year of the H2020 project streamSAVE, multiple activities were organized to support countries in developing savings estimations under Art.3 and Art.7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED).